About INIFD:-

Inifd has been added to renowned legacy of providing excellent academic experiences. The core mission of Design School is to provide a future-focused design curriculum that prepares students to work as professionals in the future.
The programs framed by Inifd lays strong emphasis on preparing students who can solve real-world problems by combining high levels of creativity and technical proficiency with comprehensive knowledge and compassion for people.
Inifd with state of the art infrastructure and competent training faculty is determined to guide students to achieve academic excellence and become professional Creators – Fashion Designers, Product, Communication, Interior Designers and related professionals.
Vision and Mission :-
Vision: To be a globally responsive and socially conscious premier academic institution, recognized for its contribution to industry and society through excellence in teaching, learning, research, internationalization, entrepreneurship and leadership.
Mission: The mission of our institute is the creation, dissemination and curation of knowledge. As a world leading centre of academic excellence. We aim to enhance our position as one of the world's leading research to measure our performance against the highest International Standards. Provide the highest quality learning and teaching environment . To produce graduates fully equipped with knowledge and skill. To develop global professionals and entrepreneurs with innovative spirit, tolerance and desire to make a difference to the society.

Testimonials :-
Our affiliations :-